Pauline  Harmange: Já muže  nesnáším
"Musíme mít právo nemít rády muže. Chápu, že to zní krutě ale musíme mít možnost je nemilovat jako celek ale udělat vyjímku u jednoho z nich", říká autorka textu, který chtěla francouzská vláda zakázat. Reakce oficiálních míst, následný skandál a potom obrovský zájem mladou spisovatelku Pauline Harmange okouzlil i vyděsil. "Myslela jsem, že z toho bude jen text pro blog ale ne kniha." Na základě svého aktivistického blogu byla oslovena aby napsala o misandrii a nenávisti k mužům. A takhle to dopadlo...
    9 EUR 226 CZK
(UTR) Useless Tools Revival
Manuals for both every- and festive day use UTR (Useless Tools Revival) will confirm all your self-delusions and solve all the pseudo-problems which are seemingly troubling you. Enrich your bedside table for dirt cheap… and even dirtier today.
13 EUR   -20% 10,40 EUR 261 CZK

(SCPh) Strange Curly Phallus
Modest as it looks, the SCPh (Strange Curly Phallus) pile can actually boast to be a combination of modern medical science, perversity of the Baroque fantasy genre and industrial erective machismo. This is not for everyone. THIS you will often have to explain to your visitors… but in the end, everything will settle down and they will think, „after all he is a good fellow, only peeping just a bit too far beyond the limits of the possible“. And that is why you should not miss the discount price… daddy.
27 EUR   -20% 21,60 EUR 542 CZK
Spunk Seipel: Art is ...
Again and again, art is being redefined. Artists, philosophers, critics – everyone has their own definition. Instead of offering a clear view on the matter, the vast number of these definitions further obfuscate the matter.
    4 EUR 100 CZK

(QF) Queer Fun
QF (Queer Fun) is a selection intended for all cheerful and optimistic sexes hopeful of the future. Let nobody stand aside of the entertaining reading from the town, the nature and the specific spheres such as drogues, art and feminism. The spines of these books will turn every xenophobic hater back to the door. Let the old world die… for any price… and here, even for a discounted one.
77 EUR   -20% 61,65 EUR 1 548 CZK
Pierre Daguin: Postcards
Limited edition of four rare postcards (1995).
    8 EUR 201 CZK

(FN) French Nude
Not everyone has the courage to venture into the amorphous regions of his own emotional life, for it is a journey into the unknown which one must make at his own risk and without any guide to take him along. The makeshift rope used to rappel down the dark tunnel is tricky. The wild places inside where we are headed usually remain obscure, hidden by a thicket of rational, externally acceptable fronts. The composed exterior is carefully groomed and kept in isolation.
23 EUR   -21% 18,40 EUR 462 CZK
(FRSL) For Rich Sad Lovers
Sad, but expensive twins FRSL (For Rich Sad Lovers) will highlight your having a gentle soul despite being a rich man and fill your visitors with the hope of meeting a man who perceives the unattainability of dreams and the spleen of the environment. A big added value of artistic virtuosity will even cover the present erotic shades with a veil of tolerance. You will be again a bit more exceptional, precious and sought after by those, whom you yourself are perhaps still looking for… and such a bargain for all this.
85 EUR   -20% 68 EUR 1 707 CZK

(BPERP) Brexit Post-Emotional Rescue Package
This complex literary tetris BPERP (Brexit Post-Emotional Rescue Package), swarming with the „post“ prefixes, was assembled for mixed Anglo-Czech couples, in which one of the partners does not speak Czech naturally. The compilation may serve similarly as a wedding present for such couples to be married. This post-gift or post-self-enjoyment-device reaches from the totalitarian post-beat, post-hippie hell, across the wartime post-industrial Yugoslav purgatory to the paradisiac brexit as told from the post-future. And all this for the price of ten kilo of the tenderloin, which does not go off.
87 EUR   -20% 69,61 EUR 1 748 CZK
(AP) Art Of Punk
AP (Art of Punk) is a strange duo. A mix of English legend in photographs and the artistic post-Punk from Minneapolis, US. Both kept secret, forgotten and considered lost for a long time. And now, a legend! This is to be found only in the library of a true, just slightly eccentric connoisseur. Subtly on the edge, for such a little money!
68 EUR   -20% 54,40 EUR 1 366 CZK

(AG) American Guide
Our practical AG (American Guide) for an easier orientation in the very specific environment of the United States. Adventures of little animals, monsters, junkies, rednecks, beach bums and amusements owners together with portraits drawn from the lives of the margins of the life-long trailer parks in two volumes contained in a pirate-penis-box. And of course… the price!
55 EUR   -20% 44 EUR 1 105 CZK
(DRCC) Discount For Rich Classic Cynics
The best of the tax optimization DRCC (Discount for Rich Classic Cynics) is an effective economic-aesthetic tool for saving, but also for acquiring a partial library prestige. The visitors of your loft or MP’s office will be dazzled by this historical immersion into the putrid pool of classical drawing – a tiny little step towards the modernity via a four kilo well bound book of the beginnings of abstraction and a tasty detour for the contemporary post-modernism of the biggest Czech schizoid ceramicist. And what more… the price!
88 EUR   -20% 70,40 EUR 1 768 CZK

(CFL) Czech Foreign Legion
A strong sample titled CFL (Czech Foreign Legion) will please especially the beginners among the patriots, regional isolationists and adherents of order and proper morals. A purely Czech selection of the most accessible authors from our intricate book collection. Moreover, the good God has already paid 20 % of the price for you.
34 EUR   -20% 27,20 EUR 683 CZK
(AMRM) Alt Marsh Right Mix
Alt Marsh Right Mix (AMRM) is designed mainly for those temperaments who despite their doubts still cling to humanistic values. Before your hands let off the protrusions on the edge of the abyss and you disappear in the maelstrom of the desire for the Ubermensch and a controlled apocalypse of the Will, spare a moment and delve into a couple of unavoidable pieces which, once your failure is completed, you will not be able to enjoy ever again… Also, normally, you would pay a load of money for this consumer’s basket.
18 EUR   -20% 14,40 EUR 362 CZK

Ibra Ibrahimovic: Interiér / dílna rypadla KU 800 u povrchového hnědouhelného dolu Chabařovice - červenec 2000
nteriér / dílna rypadla KU 800 u povrchového hnědouhelného dolu Chabařovice, 2000, 300 x 150 cm, print on vinyl
    720 EUR 18 079 CZK
Ibra Ibrahimovic: Při nepovolené procházce lomem ČSA jsem vyplašil osmdesátihlavé stádo muflonů - září 2008
Při nepovolené procházce lomem ČSA jsem vyplašil osmdesátihlavé stádo muflonů,2008, 225 x 150 cm, print on vinyl
    580 EUR 14 564 CZK

Ibra Ibrahimovic: Podvečerní snímek na Krušné hory a Hnědouhelný důl Bílina - září 2013
Podvečerní snímek na Krušné hory a Hnědouhelný důl Bílina, 2013, 225 x 150 cm, print on vinyl
    580 EUR 14 564 CZK
Ibra Ibrahimovic: Skrývkové rýpadlo RK5000 z osmdesátých let - březen 2014
Ibra Ibrahimovic: Skrývkové rýpadlo RK5000 z osmdesátých let, 2014, 225 x 150 cm, print on vinyl
    580 EUR 14 564 CZK

Ibra Ibrahimovic: Tovární ulice v Ústí nad Labem - březen 2016
Tovární ulice v Ústí nad Labem, 2016, 225 x 150 cm, print on vinyl
    580 EUR 14 564 CZK
Ibra Ibrahimovic: Městská okrasná kašna za bývalým Národním výborem Libkovic - duben 2015
Městská okrasná kašna za bývalým Národním výborem Libkovic, 2015, 225 x 150 cm, print on vinyl
    580 EUR 14 564 CZK


Reklama Reklama Reklama


One box

528 pages

in 2 books



this is




Photographs & Flags
by Simon Barker aka SIX




No. 1/2012

America in recent art, philosophy, literature, poetry and even comic.


Big Black Book by the Atomic Age visionary Josef Bolf